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Bakrid in Assam - Embracing faith,togetherness and act of kindness

EID MUBARAK   STORY HIGHLIGHTS Bakrid, also known as Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice, is an important festival celebrated ...

Bakrid, also known as Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice, is an important festival celebrated by Muslim people worldwide. In this article, we will explore how Bakrid is celebrated in the beautiful


Community Prayers:

On the day of Bakrid, Assamese Muslims gather in mosques or open spaces for group prayers called Eid Salah. An Imam leads the prayers, and the sermon focuses on love, compassion, and unity. These prayers bring the community together, seeking blessings and expressing gratitude.


Festive Celebrations:

Bakrid is a time for joyful celebrations and exchanging greetings. Families and friends come together to share special meals and sweets. Traditional Assamese dishes and delicious treats like biryani, kebabs, and sheer khurma are prepared and enjoyed. People wear new clothes, visit relatives, and give gifts.


Acts of Kindness:

Bakrid encourages acts of kindness and generosity. Assamese Muslims actively participate in charitable actions by distributing meat to those in need. Many individuals and organizations organize initiatives to ensure that everyone can enjoy a delicious meal and be part of the festivities.



Bakrid holds great significance for the Assamese Muslim community in Assam. The festival combines religious practices with a sense of togetherness, charity, and celebration. As we approach Bakrid on 29th June 2023.

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